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Ravensweir Household OfficersClick on Officer Badge for Office Description
The seneschal is the legal representative of a branch. Seneschals sign all contracts, make sure that things are done pursuant to the restrictions of all modern laws, corpora and kingdom law, work with the chatelaines to handle all public relations, and normally conduct the business meetings/curia. The seneschals coordinate the branch officers
Exchequers are responsible for maintaining the financial records of their branch and for ensuring that all funds are spent to further the Society's non-profit, educational purpose. Branch Exchequers must maintain permanent, detailed books and records of all financial activity. All records must be retained for at least seven years.
In each kingdom, it is the duty of the College of Heralds to make announcements, to handle courts and ceremony, to track awards, and to assist in the process of registering the names and devices of Society members. Following the medieval model, heraldic offices often have titles.
Summery of Duties for Branch Heralds
Maintain membership in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and provide proof of membership to Black Lion Herald. Notify Black Lion Herald of address and phone number changes. Notify Black Lion Herald on appointment to office and on resignation. Report quarterly to Black Lion Herald, with copies to your branch seneschal and to your files. Attend meetings of your branch and office. Attend events sponsored by your branch and coordinate field and court heraldry at the event, or arrange for this to be done. Assist individuals with heraldic submissions. Maintain files of reports and correspondence.
Marshals are responsible for making sure that all S.C.A. combat is conducted safely.
A branch marshal (The Master of Stables, Master of Blade, Master of Bow) oversees the administration of the marshalate in the local group. Their special duties are: seeing that information is made available to all fighters on armor standards, conventions of combat, rules of the lists, and any other information they are directed to distribute; ensuring that the local branch has trained marshals present at events; ensuring that fighters and marshals in the local branch receive proper training; supervising marshaling activities at events; assisting in the authorization of new fighters (this means giving local authorization, which is to be redone at kingdom level); and making sure that equipment conforms to the required minimums of the kingdom regulations as listed in the An Tir Book of Combat.
The constable greets people at the gate, provide information, run errands for people, assisst people as needed, patrol camping, parking, and merchant areas, as safety and security personnel. The make sure that fires are kept under control, that bee hives or wasp nests are marked, and that lost children are returned to their parents. They gather information and report incidents to the appropriate authorities. They act as a liaison between the autocrat, the mundane authorities and the populace at the event.
Branch Constables are responsible for constabulary duties at events sponsored by their branch, write a constabulary plan with the autocrat several weeks prior to an event, recruit persons for the constabulary duties at events of their branch, and recommend a Deputy Branch Constable for their branch to assist them with their duties and who will be ready to step in if needed.
Branch Arts and Sciences Officers facilitate S.C.A. members in their artistic and scientific endeavors. They do this by being a resource, arranging to have classes taught on diverse subjects, holding competitions and finding other ways to inspire people's interest in the arts and sciences.
Chroniclers are responsible for producing newsletters which keep S.C.A. members informed about events and activities within the area that the newsletter services and which educate their readers about aspects of the middle ages. No branch below the Kingdom level may have paid advertising in their newsletter.
The Chatelaine's Office is responsible for providing an introduction to the Current Middle Ages to new or prospective members, for advising newcomers of the conventions of the Society, their Kingdom and branch, and for encouraging participation in the Society. The Chatelaine can provide access to educational information such as handouts, booklets and other materials. The Chatelaine, along with the Seneschal should be aware of any publicity about the group of the S.C.A. In particular, any interaction with the modern media should be cleared with either or both of these officers ahead of time whenever possible. No one may else may represent the Society to the media without the knowledge and consent of either or both officers.
Chirurgeons provide voluntary first aid at Society events. They also notify attendees of health and safety concerns at Society events. No branch is required to have a Chirurgeon, however, having at least one chirurgeon at an event is greatly appreciated.
An Tir maintains a system for warranting chirurgeons. In order to be a warranted chirurgeon applicants need to provide the Kingdom Chirurgeon with: proof of membership; a current CPR card; and a current Red Cross or St. John's First Aid Card.
Within the chirurgeonate, Chirurgeons are divided into apprentice chirurgeons, warranted chirurgeons and master chirurgeons. The title master chirurgeon is an honorary title and can only be held by a warranted chirurgeon.
The Webminister is the SCA term for a Webmaster. This office is considered a deputy to both chatelaine and chronicler, since websites provide means of communication to new members (chatelaine) and is a publication (chronicler) of a branch or kingdom.
The Waterbear is responsible for bring water to fighters, and preventing dehydration, sun/heat stroke, and other sun/heat related health problems, that can arise at events is proper precautions are not taken.