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Black Quill
Issue 35
March/April/04 AS XXXVIII
Shire of Ravensweir
Quesnel, BC
From the Seneschale
Greetings all,
Another event has come and gone... I would like to thank out illustrious autocrats for their hard work... HUZZAH to milday Lasilana and Lady Rowena!!!!!! The hall looked great, the tokens well done... I must say I really enojoyed the antics of the court of love.... chuckle. Well done to those lords and ladies who strutted, courted and just expressed their their heartfelt feeling for the ones in their lives. Congradulations to His Lordship Tewl for taking the Lord of Hearts and to Milday Sarah for Lady of Hearts. S special HUZZAH to Tim for taking Page of Hearts, not so bad for his first event :) Thank you to all who helped out in all ways, cleaning etc. especially the kids for working so hard in the kitchen doing dishes. Thank you to His Lordship Robert for making the runner up tokens for the competition.
Congradulations to our new A&S champion Her Ladyship Sigrid Arden, most well done.... well done to our runner-up Milday Lasilana... VERY WELL DONE!!!
Thank you to our guests who travelled from other areas of our Principality. T'was wonderful to see you all.
Thank you all for pitching in at the end of an event whay I know you all were tired and ready to go home. Many hands made light work and the hall was tidied up in record time.
Last but never least... Thank you Milord Stephen. Without you the day would have been much less fun:)
Apologies in advance if I've missed anything or anyone.
In Merry Service,
HL Cerridwen Maelwedd
Ravensweir Seneschale
From the Deputy Seneschale/Acting Waterbearer
The season begins.........HUZZAH!
Preparation are underway for Summer Investiture and we're going to need all the help we can get, come the day. We have the biffies rented and garbage removal thoughtfull donated by Dave McKeown of Quesnel Cleanup Services.
If any should have the where-withal, here's a list of needed supplies for the site. If any might wish to donate...........?
Toilet paper
Garbage bags
Cloth (to cover the garbage truck) and pattern (you may not want it back)
Moist wipes
Paper towel
Anything else you can think of?
HL Sigris Arden
From Cordeliya Morrighan Bloodwyn Maelwedd
I repectfully request the Shire Council consider this publication as part of my apllication for the position of Chrnoicler. I hop that the quality of this newsletter meets with your approval.
In Sanguine Service,
Cordeliya Morrighan Bloowyn Maelwedd
Tir Righ
Summer Investiture and Heavy Championship
Shire of Ravensweir
Friday June 11 - Sunday 13, 2004
Quesnel, BC
Autocrat: Cerridwen Maelwedd
Come travel to the ends of the realms of Tir Righ....well..not quite but we're close :)
We have found a wonderful site beside a gorgeous lake.... Cabins, RV spots, fabulous food merchant to tempt your pallet and cut back on all that cooking and cleaning! Visit some of our local tourist attraction..
Care to step out of the medieval ( for a moment ;) into the Gold Rush days?... Quesnel can accommodate you with that and much more. Please come visit this wonderful shire that has taken my heart and made the SCA a brighter place for me and I hope you as well. More activities to be posted!
We hope to see you all!
Site location:
Lazy Daze Campground
714 Ritchie Road, Quesnel, BC, (250) 992-6700
Take Highway 97 to 10 Mile Lake Road (North of Quesnel). Turn west onto Ten Mile Lake Road. Turn left at the fork in the road. Turn right onto Ritchie Road. There will be signs. Do NOT use Mapquest!!! It will show you the wrong road!
Site info - We occupy a plot of land right on the lake, with access to the campground right across the lane. They also have cabins, cottage units, RV hook-up for reasonable rates. Contact Autocrat for info. An excellent food merchant will be on site as well.
Site opens Friday, June 11 at 4PM. Site closes on Sunday, June 13 at 6PM.
Merchants - regular site fees apply and by donation. Merchants MUST reserve. Please contact the Autocrat.
Waivers are all available on line and you are encouraged to print and have them all filled out and signed before arriving - this will also keep your time at gate to a minimum. As we are in BC Canada, SCA & NSCA minor waivers need to be completed. Medical Authorization for Minors are also to be completed for any minors travelling without their parent or legal guardian..
Site Fees: Adult Member $14 CAD adult non members add $4 Youth 11 to adult $7.00 Children 10 and under free. Family cap $40+NMS
Daytrip fee - $6.00 for adults adding $4.00 NMS Youth $4.00 10 & under still free.
Make cheques payable to: The Shire of Ravensweir
Autocrat: HL Cerridwen Maelwedd
Phone Enquiries - HL's Robert or Sigrid Arden (250) 992-2123
Born of Woman
Eleanor of Aquitaine was raised in the urbane and gentile court of her father, William X, Duke of Aquataine. As his only heir, she was wed to the French King Louis VII. While her marriage to Louis SRARTED well enough, she found the Parisian nobility to be boorish and uncouth. She soon surrounded herself with ladies of the suth and romantic troubadours. And thus (though she little knew it then) a movement was founded.
Upon her divorce from Louis and her subsubsequent marriage to Henry of England, her influence on the artistic, cultural and literary life of 12th Century society flowered.
Her eldest daughter by Louis, Marie, Countes of Champaine, had since aquired inlfuence in the Frech Court. With aid, and that of other influential noblewomen, Eleanor laid the foundation that would profoundly affect the lives of European nobility for many generations. inder her patronage the ideals of courtly love and the rules of chivalry began to tkae shape and flourish. Her efforts heralded a new philosophy of honor and courtesy, so neccessary a counterbalance to the violence of the thimes. She, more than any other, brought about the Golden Age of Chivalry.
This philosophy we honor and celebrate, at the Fete de Coeur, with the choosing of our Arts & Sciences Champion, Lord and Lady of Hearts (our unofficial champions of Courtesy) and out Page of Hearts.
HL Sigrid Arden
My experiences with the SCA --- a personal letter
By Lasilana Trifunova MacGowan
I joined the Society because liked the clothes - honestly that is what drew me into the folds of the place I call home. I liked the idea of being able to dress in such regal aittire. When I came to my first even I was awed and wooed by the chivalry and respect that I was shown by the men of the shire, I was so used to the mundane world that I had forgotten what it meant to be treated with respect and complimented on something other than the size of my.... ummmm anyways, to make a long story longer I enjoyed the clothes and the food and the camaraderie and at that first event I believe that I was adopted into the giant family of the SCA and I became a lifer.... Now, three years later there are a lot of things about the SCA that I love.... and some things that hide under the surface that I don't particularly like....
I love that you get to meet wonderful people...
I love that I am learhing about history...
I love that I am learning to sew...
I love the friends that I have made...
I love events...
I hat the politics, and I am not talking about the political aspects of having a king and queen, I am not even talking about the BOD... in this case I am talking about the power plays within the society - personality conflicts that become all consuming wars.
The biggest thing about the SCA that I feel the need to remind people about is that this is a game ---- we are playing ---- leave the personalities at the door - it can really change the flavour of an event when mundane conflicts invade the gaming arena. This is only my humble opinion and my own ranting but I am proud to be called a member of the SCA -- I carry my card proudly and wear my favours with pride and I love inviting people and bringing newbies into the society.
--I want that pride to continue, it isn't about the awards for me, it's about the game and stepping out of mundania and into the regalilty and honor ----- it's about the good times and the friends and nothing else should taint my experience or anyone else's.... although this is merely my piece.
Thank you for taking the time to read my though.
Sincerly Lasilana
A florentine Pie
Take Kidneys of Veal after is hat been well roasted, and is cold: then shred it as fine as is possible: then take all sorts of sweet Pot-herbs, or farcing herbs, wich have no bitter or strong tast, and chop them as small as may be, and putting the Veal into a large dish, put the herbs unto it, and good store of clean washt Currants, Sugar Cinamon, the yelks or four Eggs, a little sweet Cream warm'd, and the fine grated Crums of a haff-peny loaf and salt, and mix all exceedingly together: then take of the finest deep pewter dish, and in it lay your paste very thing rouled out, which paste you must mingle thus: Take of the finest Wheat-flower a quart, and a quater so much Sugar, and a little Cinnamon, then break inbto a couple of Eggs, then take sweet cream and buttr melted on the fire, and with it knead the paste, and as was before said, having spread butter all about the dishes sides, then put Veal, and break peices of sweet butter upon it, and scrape sugar over it; then rowl out another paste reasonable thick, nad with it cover the dish all over, closing the old pastes with the beaten whites of Eggs very fast together, then with your knife cut the lid into divers pretty works, according to your fancy, then set it in the Oven and bake it with Pies and Tarts of like nature: when it is bak'd, draw it and trim the lid with Sugar, as hath been shewed in Tart, and so serve it up with your second course.
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