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Black Quill
Issue 24
September/October/01 XXXVI
Shire of Ravensweir
Quesnel, BC
Rowan's Ramblins
Warmest greetings good gentles,
It has been a quiet few months as we all settle in, after our busy
summer, for the long winter's white. I realize that there is little to
report, but please, even if you just drop a note and say "hi", do make
your report on or (better yet) before November 1st. I look forward to
seeing you all at the Artimis/Tatiana workshop event on the 10th and
11th of November. Huzzah to Gwydion for arranging to have Artimis and
Tatiana travel to our fair Shire and share their abundant talents!
Be well and glad good friends,
From the Mistress of Arts & Sciences
Greetings and Salutations,
I would like to encourage the folk of this great shire to work on
research and development of their various personas. I personally feel
that if we can develop our personas that some of the magic that has been
either lacking or non-existent will return, as our personas would not
talk about certain things such as computers or television. I can
understand that this to some (myself included) that this can be a great
undertaking, but this being the winter season and all, there are less
events to occupy our time, this would be an excellent time to do the
research required. So let's bone up on our reading skills and get some
awesome personas developed for the next season of events.
From the Chronicler,
I wonder if many out there know how unusual this Shire is? Here there
are no hidden agendas and no vicious rumour mill. Any difference of
opinion is just that - a difference. There is no one here who is afraid
to go to another member with a question or concern. I've never been
privileged to know a more adult group. With all that is going on in the
world, it warms my heart to look at you - and it gives me hope.
Thank you
Tentative Calendar
November 10,11 Artemis' Workshop Ravensweir
November 17 Sing for your Supper Cai Mor
December 1 Yule Cold Keep
December 15 Tavern Ravensweir
February 16 Feast of Hearts Ravensweir
March 16 Ides of March Cold Keep
Mar 31-Apr1 Rogues Rebel Tir Bannog
May 25 CK Heavy Champions Cold Keep
June 14-16 Spring Murder with the Ravensweir
Heffelumps & Woozels
July1st wknd Fields of Gold Tir Bannog
Sept 14-15 The Dreaming Tir Bannog
October 12 Samhain Cold Keep
October 27 St. Crispins Tir Bannog
December 17 Yule Ravensweir
Artemis' Northern Workshop
Greetings good gentles,
It has been confirmed...Maestro Artimis is coming to Ravensweir!!
The workshop event will go ahead as planned. Classes will start at
9:00a.m. on Saturday November 10th. We will play until 5:00, when we
will partake of a potluck dinner followed by a casual and discretely wet
Tavern. Classes begin again at 9:00 on Sunday and will run until 2:30.
The site of this workshop is the Masonic Temple 514 Front Street
Quesnel, BC. The Temple is located at the corner of Front Street (Hwy
97) and Shepherd Avenue. It is across Hwy 97 from the old section of
the Quesnel Hospital and across Shepherd from the Husky store. The hall
is in the basement of the building.
For more information, email Rowan at or call
Rowan/Brenda at 250-992-7265.
Following is a list of the classes which Artimis and his lovely lady,
Tatiana, are prepared to offer. There is, of course, no way that we
could get through ALL of these in just eleven and a half hours of
workshop, so...any of you have not yet done so, please let us know which
ones you would prefer to take part in. We will then determine the most
popular classes, finalize the offerings and post a completed list. We
need to know as soon as possible so that Artimis and Tatiana have
sufficient time to prepare class materials.
Persona Research and Development -- lecture and discussion class
focusing on researching, creating, and using a persona in the SCA.
Emphasis on using primary sources and everyday histories to create a
persona. (3 hours)
Intro to the SCA -- an overview course detailing how the SCA is
organized, and why it works the way it does. (2 hours)
Embellishing Fabric Affordably -- overview of period fabric
embellishment techniques usable for such applications as garb, banners,
and pavilions. Emphasis such techniques as painting, layered trims,
cording, stamping (block-printing), and other techniques. (2 hours)
Period Feastware and Feasts -- overview of period eating utensils and
feasts; lecture course covers the customs and traditions of Western
European feasting, as well as presenting an identification guide for
modern feastware that "looks period." (2 hours)
Marshalling Authorization: Armoured (Heavy)/Rapier/Light Combat --
actually three separate classes. Each one runs 2 hours in length, and is
designed to give the basic knowledge necessary for junior-and-senior-level marshal authorizations.
Rapier Combat Practicum: Basic inglesword/Shieldwork/Dagger/ Melee
Tactics/Advanced Combat -- active combat courses, each two hours in
length. Bring all appropriate rapier combat gear.
An Tir History 101 -- an overview course of the history and customs of
An Tir. (2 hours)
Tournament and War Design -- creating and running enjoyable combat
events based upon period models and inspirations. Detailed discussion on
combat event layout and logistics. (2 hours)
Noble Pirates and Privateers -- a lecture course detailing the
nobility that took up the life of piracy, and still were welcome in
polite society. (2 hours)
Hope to see you all soon,
Rowan, Seneschal, Ravensweir
and Gwydion, Master of Blades, Ravensweir and workshop autocrat
(editors note - the above copy has been rendered moot by the unforseen
cancellation of this event. It was decided to leave the copy in this
form as this is how it appeared in our published newsletter - Issue 24)
Sing For Your Supper
Greetings m'lords & ladies,
It is my great honor to inform you that, as of last eve, we have
confirmation that Their Majesties, Aveloc & Mahliqa, will be making
every effort to attend "Sing for Your Supper" in Cai Mor on the 17th of
November. (event copy below)
In order to assist Their Majesties to make this "Great Northern Trek" we
have begun raising funds to help pay for flights. Both Cai Mor & Tir
Bannog (we thank our neighbors for their great support in this) have
earmarked funds & some branch members have made personal donations.
Anyone else interested in helping Their Majesties to come north are
welcome to contact me to make donations. Please come out & join us &
Their Majesties!!
Sing For Your Supper
Greetings from the Incipient Shire of Coil Mor.
Come join us in raising your voices in song and story for the third
annual"Sing for your Supper" potluck feast. This is at a DRY site. This
is a participation bardic event. This is a potluck, so each person
bring enough to feed 6 people. IF you perform for us, your site fee
remains at the pittance of $2.00. (Groups are welcome.) HOWEVER if you
do not want to perform, the site fees are as follows :
Children under 7 - no site fee.
Children 7 to 11 - $4.00
Youths 12 to 16 - $8.00
Adults 17 & over - $12.00
Potluck contributions should be made by the list following based on the
first letter of your 21st century first name:
A - F Deserts
G - L Main Course
M - R Side Dish
S - Z Soup or Salad
United Church, 1180 Kingfisher, Kitimat, BC
Make your best way to Prince George. Turn onto Highway 16 West. Drive
for a long time (approximately 7 hours). At the Terrace weigh scales
(intersection of Highways 16 & 37) turn left onto Highway 37. Drive for
another 45 minutes or so. You have now reached Kitimat. Go across the
bridge, up the hill, past the cemetery, past the apartments (if you go
down a big hill, you've gone too far...), turn right onto Kingfisher
right after you pass the fire hall (3rd right after passing the
cemetery) and left into unloading zone in front of church. The church
is a big A-frame building with big multi-colored windows on the corner
of Kingfisher and Albatross, right across from the Tony's Corner Store
in Nechako Center. Parking is across the road at Nechako Center.
Saturday, November 17th.
Doors open at 4 pm, dinner starts at 6:30 pm.
For further information contact the Autocrat:
Aldgudana Gunnarsdottir at
(250) 632-6169
Please Note: The autocrat would appreciate if those planning to attend
would let her know in advance with a general description of what they
plan to perform (for scheduling purposes) i.e. song, poem, play, story,
etc. Performing in groups is permitted.
Always in service to
The Kingdom of An Tir,
The Crown Principality of the North &
The Spirit of the Game,
Lord Tadgg h-=FAa Faelan of Clan MacNessa
Feast Of Frozen Hearts
Shire of Cold Keep, Prince George, BC
3595 Upper Fraser
Dec. 1st, 2001
Jack Frost and the Holly King are knocking at our door. Come join us for
Frostbite and Kisses if you dare! Bundle up Alasdaire ;)
The Hall opens at noon....
site fee Adults $10 12-16 $5 11 and under free 2$ overnight
fee...yes...we have the hall overnight so bring along your jammies,
pillow, blankets and carouse with us into the wee hrs..and let your
dragon hibernate under a soft blanket of snow. Bring along something to
contribute for breakfast and we'll do the traditional Cold Keep Mass
Breakie! Please bring a potluck dish to feed eight to ten peopleDishes
to be in the time frame of 1400-1600.
Mundane last initial bring
A-M=3D Main dishes and bread
N-Z=3D Vegetables or snack trays
Visiting guests =3D desserts
Please bring your own feast gear and table settings.
Site discreetly wet...period containers only!
ARRRRGHHHH me maties....Rapier scenarios to take place this
good frosty day.......and if ye did not guess will be a Pirate do what thou whilst with thine merry,
be bold....but be ready for a good time. The list and inspection
will be at 1 Sharp...and hopefully all will be ready by 1:30
or thereabouts to be killed.
Bring along a handmade medieval item...foodstuffs acceptable for
the Auction...don't forget your doubloons. All proceeds to go to
the cold keep treasure..arrghhh!
A gift exchange will go on for the little if you are
bringing a small along....send along their name so we can let you know
who your child gets to give a gift to be under 10$ or
thereabouts. Magwen will be holding a bday party for her son that
day..all littles welcome. Activities to keep them busy.
Medieval Hat or Mask competition......The theme be
pirate.. WINTER.... ;) Entries must not have been in any other
competition and must be handmade by the entrant. Prize to the best of
the lot
Court will be held sometimes after dinner.
Later in the eve...we shall be having some crafting going on...
so try your hand at: Oragami, Celtic Knotwork and cardhouse building.
The gaming box will be lurking about as well.
Autocrats for further information
Lady Iseabau MacDonald:
phone 962-6575 or 612-5333 (Kaedin's Celtichouse) 1-877-523-3467
Lady Brynn MacDonald:
phone 561-2830
HL Cerridwen Maelwedd
phone 963-9648 email:
The site is located at Malcolm Memorial Park. Just outside of Prince
George, B.C. From the east travel on Hwy. 16 West, at the first set of
lights before entering City of Prince George, turn left onto the Old
Cariboo Hwy. Stay on this road till you get too Bendixon rd. then turn
left. Go approxiamtely 1.5 Km, the site is on the right.
From the South, travel north on Hwy 97. Turn right onto the Old Cariboo
Hwy. towards Jasper, about 18 Km north of Red Rock (14 km south of
Prince George), you go right past an Art Knapps Plantland. Travel about
5 km and turn right onto Bendixon Rd. Travel about 1.5 km, the site is
on the right.
If coming from the North or West go towards the Airport and follow the
SCA signs that will be posted.
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