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Black Quill
Issue 23
July/August/01 XXXVI
Shire of Ravensweir
Quesnel, BC
Rowan's Ramblins
Warmest greetings good gentles!
I hope that you are all enjoying
the fruits of your summer labors.....mmmm veggies fresh from the
soil come to mind.
Since the last newsletter, much has transpired. We're a permanent
Shire! We're a permanent Shire! Clinton was a grand success....The whole
site remained very period this year and our encampments were no
exception. I have to send out a great loud "Huzzah" to those of you who
spent your work week at the site toiling in the sun (what sun), the
drizzle and the mud. You know who you are....the same wonderful people
who bend their backs every year. More of us should take from your
example (me included). Huzzah! to you, my friends. We're a permanent
Shire! There were many awards handed out at the war and several of
them came to our area. H.L. Cerridwen has been honored with another
Goute de Sange. What do we call her now?!? Ladyladyshipship? :) Our
neighbors to the south also brought home an AoA. Gunthor Thorenson is
now a Lord. Congratulations to you both. My AoA was also presented at
Court (oh what fun!!), minutes before we all stood before the King and
Queen, as a group, to request recognition as a permanent Shire. Our
request was granted!!! On the condition that Kalin duel the Kingdom
Rapier Champion. Kalin showed courage and honor and fought a grand
fight. He even achieved a kill!!! Huzzah to Kalin! And to Gwydion,
our Master of Blade and instructor extroidinaire.
Carrion Dreaming (September 15) is coming up quickly and I am
looking forward to seeing you all there.....and killing some of you as
I have started an informational group at Yahoo, called
northernplayers. It is intended as a venue for the northern shires
(both officers and general populace) to discuss events and
instruction that we would like to see happen in our area. I havesent
out email invitations to all that I have addresses for...if you have not
received an invite, and would like to be included, please send me a note
requesting to be added to the list or visit
Did I mention we're a permanent Shire?
Be well
I hope everyone has recovered from Clinton? Would someone remind
me to print the "newbies pack list" in June next year? The Calendar will
be a little fuller after the Seneschals (in their great wisdom) have
sorted out the dates at Carrion Dreaming.
Sep 15-16 Carrion Dreaming Scheck Farm
Sept 29/30 Vinfest Vingaard
Oct 5-8 Golden Swan Appledore
Oct 20 Freeze-off Ramsgaard
Oct27/28 St.Crispins Tir Bannog
Dec/08 Yule Cold Keep
Dec 15 Yule Tavern Ravensweir
(Please take the following article with a grain of salt - ed)
A Briefe History of the Codpiece
by Lord Samuel Piper
The codpiece has held a certain fascination, as well as other important
items, for those of us in the Society for Creative Anachronism. It has
been regarded with fear and ignorance by many men and a certain
reverence by some women. This timely bit of scholarly research should
help dispel the fear and ignorance. Any ladies having problems with the
"reverence" bit will need to speak with me personally.
Many have assumed that the "cod" in "codpiece" referred to a fish.
Because of modern slang usage, or perhaps due to total loss of touch
with reality, some have assumed that "piece" meant a firearm. Such
suppositions are as far from the etymological truth as can be imagined
without rattan blow induced hallucinations.
In Middle English, "Cod" (or "Codd" in Old English, "Coddd" in
Exceedingly Old English) meant "bag" or "scrotum", which led to some
interesting moments when dining out at the Renaissance equivalent of
Long John Silver's. "This is the tastiest codd I've ever had in my
mouth" was a guaranteed show stopper, bringing about numerous jokes and
a homicide or two.
The codpiece began as a flat piece of material covering an
improvement in men's fashion -- a well placed slit. This new, "easy
access" region in men's pants allowed men to relieve themselves while
standing without lowering their pants. Soon after his technological
breakthrough was coined the popular after ale phrase "Once more into the
The simple flap was buttoned closed, laced closed, tied closed, or
occasionally glued closed after a particularly exciting night at "The
Yellowe Rose Publick Howse."
The codpiece remained flat cloth for a number of years. While visiting
England, Duke Fabrizio of Bologna, dressing hastily after a quick
romantic interlude, used the flap to contain (or perhaps restrain) his
nether parts while appearing before King Henry VIII and Queen Anne
Boleyn. Queen Anne, amused at the Italian's conspicuous bulge, remarked
"Be that thine codling or art thou glad to see me?" Of course, "codling"
is 15th century English for either a "small, immature apple" or "any of
several elongated greenish English cooking apples," so we may never know
if the Duke's fruit was being ridiculed or complimented.
King Henry was very distressed by the whole business and assumed this
bulge (from Middle French "boulge" meaning "leather bag" or "curved
part", or perhaps "curved part in a leather bag") to be the latest
Continental style in courtly fashions. He immediately
ordered his codpieces padded in order that he not look out of date by
comparison to Duke Fabrizio, commanding, "My codpieces
must compare favorably to Bologna." Those tailors, very literal-minded
fellows all, envisioned pork sausages and thus began the whole size contest that continues to this day.
To the Shirefolk and Seneschals of Cold Keep, Ravensweir, Tir
Bannog, Gael Mathuin (Ca Mor), Griffins Gate, and Coill Mhor and
unto the noble populace of An Tir;
Carrion Dreaming
Sept 14-16, 2001
The now full status Shire of Ravensweir and their former (and most
appreciated) sponsoring Shire of Cold Keep welcome all to this event
planning summit of AnTir's northernmost shires.
There will be a Rapier Tourney - Ravensweir's Champion and a
Champion of the Day as well as an Archery competition.
There will be a contest for best codpiece construction (use your
imagination) and there will also be several games of the harvest
The site is primative but lovely with no mundane views at all.
Water will be brought in and there is a biffy on site. Site fee is $3.00
per person, with a family max of $8.00. The site opens Friday, Sept 14th
- 5pm and closes Sunday, Sept 16 5pm. Make cheques payable to SCA,
Autocrats - Lady Sigrid Arden (Kathryn Stanley) (250)992-2123 PO Box 4142, Quesnel, BC V2J 3J2
The site is at Shecke Farm - 1 mile south of Kersley (which is just
south of Quesnel BC) on Hwy 97 in Northern BC. There will be
LOTS of signs.
Carrion Dreaming Rapier Tournament
Note to Competitors:
Ravensweir's Shire Champion will also be chosen by the results of
this tournament. All those wishing to compete for the Shire Championship
must meet Ravensweir's requirements. It is
most common for Champions to attend three events in the year they
hold the office, and command the shire's contingent of fighters in
wartime (or appoint a proxy if champion is unable to attend or is
unwilling to command... unwilling? Who the heck would be
unwilling?) All competitors for the Ravensweir Champion must be
members of the SCA - at this time proof of payment is acceptable.
Requirements to compete:
-Competitors must have a current rapier authorization.
-Competitors must have armour that meets minimum Kingdom
-Non-SCA members must sign waiver before competing.
-Armour and weapon inspection will take place at 10:00 a.m.
-Competition will commence at 11:00 a.m.
Special Rules:
-In some scenarios, the competitor is allowed to crawl as long as
he/she has an arm to support him/herself.
-Extra combatants can enter the fray in some scenarios, but must
still get eye contact with competitor, thusly "engaging" him/her.
-Competitors have the opportunity to win an extra point by
challenging Gwydion, who is offering challenges to all. The
challenge must be well thought out, or Gwydion will scoff at the
challenge and deny you the opportunity (insufferable prat that he is.)
So pick on his garb, his hair, his fighting prowess (or obvious lack
thereof), or whatever you can think of as long as it is in the realm of
good taste (we don't want to hurt the MIC's we?)
The Duel. (any time during the day, see scenario times to set
-All fighters must draw a name from a hat. That name will be that of
another combatant.
-The fighter must then devise a reason to duel this individual (and it
must be well-thought out, and in good taste, vulgarity is, well...
vulgar.) The fighter must challenge the individual, and set a time for
their duel.
-The competitors must have a marshal present at the duel (preferably
-If for some unexplainable reason either combatant does not show up for
the duel, the individual who does show up wins by default.
-The winner of the duel gets 1 point.
Caught in the Act! (11:00 a.m.)
In a 20'x20' eric, a bed is placed with covers (possible parrying
-A member of the opposite sex is placed in the bed (fully armoured), and
is given a dagger.
-The fighter must place his/her weapons within reach, but not in
-The "spouse" of the fighter's paramour comes into the room and
tries to kill the fighter.
-The goal: to escape the room. The combatant need not injure or kill
his/her opponent, merely escape.
-Special rule: the fighter may crawl if legged, but only if he/she has
an extra arm to support him/herself, and must drag the injured leg.
-Special rule 2: If the fighter takes too long, the paramour attacks
with the dagger (the marshal of the match will alert the fighter.)
-The fighter gets 2 points for escaping without permanent injury
(death) to him/herself or opponent, and only 1 point if he/she kills the
The Bridge. (12:30 p.m.)
-You have an important message to deliver to the King, and Two
rogues await you on the only bridge for miles. You have a pistol with
one shot, which you must use before engaging in melee with the rogues,
after which you may use the pistol as a parrying device if you so
-The rogues will be armed with single swords, the fighter with
sword and dagger/pistol.
-The fighter gains 1 point for every rogue he/she kills.
The Brawl. (2:00 p.m.)
-While relaxing in a tavern, you and a companion are set upon by
the Cardinal's Guard.
-You have to escape the tavern, or defeat the Cardinal's Guard.
-The Guard will number three combatants (drawn randomly), all
armed with single sword.
-Competitors gain 1 point each for escaping, and 1 point each for
defeating the Guards.
The Banquet. (3:30 p.m.)
-You and some companions are about to indulge in a marvellous
feast. The problem is, you're all broke. The innkeeper wants his
due, and you all begin to argue over who should pay.
-Your weapons lay near, but as soon as one of you touches a blade, the
fight is on.
-The goal is to escape with as much food as possible, by combat, by
guile, or by speed.
-The innkeeper is armed with a sword and attacks at random.
Fighters gain nothing by killing an innkeeper... although they don't
lose anything either.
-The only points you gain are for how much food you escape with:
2 points for the highest amount
1 point for a full tankard
The competition ends when the final duel is done for the day, or the sun
sets. The Champion of the Day will be announced that night, and The
Champion of Ravensweir will be announced afterwards.
Well, that's it, hope we get plenty of new folks for me to stab... I
mean meet.
Gwydion "That extra point yer gonna need" MacBairn
Master of Blades, Ravensweir
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