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Black Quill
Issue 21
March/April/01 AS XXXV
Incipient Shire of Ravensweir
Quesnel, BC
Note from Webminister: This is the first Black Quill that has been added to the website. New newsletters will be added to the website as they come out and hopefully back issues will be published via internet in the near future.
Lord Dougal MacGowan, Clannad MacGowan.
Ravensweir, webminister, constable.
Contibuters Credits
Many thanks to Dave McKeon us Quesnel Cleanup Service for supplying the office facilities and donating the phtocopying costs for this newsletter.
Rowans Rambling's
Hast anyone seen our Seneschale?
Word hath reached us that she is upon a great journey - a "ramblin", if thou will. If any shall come upon her on the highway, let her know that she is sorrowfully missed (especially by the Chronicler who had to fill this page all by her lonesome).
Upon another note, let us all share a mighty HUZZAH for the new LADY Rowan (if we can find her).
This is shockingly simliar to an episode last year when we lost out third wife. Coincidence?
Mar 31 Tavern The Ardens
April 7 Rouge's Revel Tir Bannog
May 21/01 Cold Keep Campions (Malcom Park)
June 16 Spring Murder The Arden's
July 7/01 Chicken War Cold Keep (Malcom Park)
July 21 Billy Barker Day Parade Ravensweir (Quesnel)
Sept 1-3 Ravensweir Champions Kai & Sigerya's
Oct 27/01 St Crispins Tir Bannog
Dec 8/01 Yule Cold Keep
Katherine Parr
BORN: 1512
Katherine Parr, the last of Henry's wives, was a different choice for the aging King. She was the daughter of Thomas Parr of Kendal, a modest country squire who had distinguished himself in the service of Henry the VII and Henry VIII. Thomas Parr died in 1517 and his widow chose not to remarry. She encouraged the education and advancement of her children, a trait Katherin would show in her treatment of her future step-children. Katherine's brother, William, was given the title of Marquess of Northhampton in 1547.
Katherine was first married to Sir Edward Burough, but was widowed shortly after in 1529. Her second husband was Sir John Nevill, Lord Latimer. He was a wealthy landowner in Yorkshire and had an estate there called Sanpe Hill. He died in 1542 and had no children by Katherine.
By this time, Katherine was becoming well known for her learning and overall sensitive and caring nature. She was also gaining an interest in the raising Protestant faith.
Not much is known about Henry's courtship of Katherine. However, before the King stepped in, she may have been considering marrying Thomas Seymour, brother to the late Queen Jane and uncle to Prince Edward. Kathering rejected Seymour's proprosal in order to marry the King, although she probably didn't have much choice in the matter. 18 months had gone by since Kathryn Howard's execution by the time Henry and Katherine Parr were married on July 12, 1543.
henry's health had been declining such that his last wife must have been as much a nurse as anything else. Katherine managed to soothe the King's temper and bring his family closer together. Although the Queen was scarcley older than the Princess Mary, she, along with Elizabeth and Edward, saw Katherine as a stabilzing mother figure. Katherine arranged for the nest titors for the children and encouraged them in their learning.
Katherine's interst in Prtestants almost proved to be her undoing. factions at court were envious of the Queen's influence on Henry and sought to destroy her by linking with the 'heretical' religious reformers. But Katherine made a show of her submissiveness to the King when confronted and probably saved her life. Katherine outlived Jenry, who died January 28, 1547.
Prince Edward succeeded as Edward VI. His older uncle, Edward Seymour, Lord Somerset, became Protector since the young king was not yet 10 years old. The other Seynpur brother, Thomas, once again sought the hand of Katherine Parr, and this time she was free to accept.
Katherine was soon pregnant by Seymour, and gave birth to a daughter named Mary at Sudeley Castle on August 30, 1548. Unfortunately, Katherine did not recover from the childbirth and died on September 7.
Katherine Parr is buried at St. mary's Church at Sudeley Castle.
Second Annual Rouge's Revel
Come, all ye gentles, to the Shire of Tir Bannog (Smithers, BC) and join us for our second annual Rouge's Revel. The afternoon will be filled a variety of workshops, games and sundry activities for both young and old alike. After a sumptuous potluck repast, the magistrate will again be visiting our Shire to hear and pass judgment on any and all complaints made to the local constabulary. At this time I, Bernadette, do hope to pass on the title of Chief Rouge to some other deserving gentle. After court, the table will be cleared away to prepare for anevening of music and dance.
The particulars are as follows:
Date: Saturday, April 7th, 2001
Time: 11:00am - Midnight
Place: Upper room of Telkwa Municipal Building
Site Fee: $5/person, 12 and under free
Activities: Rapier Workshop, Heavy Workshop, Archery Workshop and Competition for both adults and juniors. Lord Tewl will teach a workshop on how to properly do lists. Various activities for the wee folk. Workshop on games (we can play, too!)
There will be a prize for the best presentation of a dich brought to the potluck dinner. This can be anything from a main dish to a dessert.
Gold Key will be available for any newcomers who are garb-less. The site is discreetly less than damo (vaguely specific, is it not?)
Crash space is available upon request. Contact the Autocrat for more information.
Bernadette Mareschal du Vallet (Brenda Zantigh)
Phone: (250)847-5995
Cold Keep Champion's Tourney
May 12th, 2001 Malcom Memorial Park
Prince George
This year... the theme will be Gypsy/Mongolian.
The site shall open at 1 pm. Site fee is $5 (children under 12 free) and a potluck dish. Now here's the catch, the dish must be a Gypsy or Mongolian dish......if you have troubale finding a recipe, give me a shout.. as I have a Gypsy cookbook. Below you will find some sites listed for Mongolian recipes.
Games for the littles shall be available and organized by Lady Isabeau and Lord Warraw - Horse stealing and other such things to be available for littles and maybe even bigs.
Gypsy Story telling... come up with a tale to regal all of Cold Keep with... see if your glib tongue can win the prize.
here shall be a gaming competetion to be held by the departing champion Lord Ogedei. For info you can contact him at
Contribute a medieval type item... preferably hand made to the Cold keep Auction. Bring along you full purse to bid on these wonderous things... profits go to the Cold Keep coffers.
Try your hand at fortune telling...bring along whatever means of divinatiob you want...and amaze all with your abilities...a prize goes to whomever amazes all the most.
From Lord Ogedei
Greetings unto the populace of Cold Keep. Soon my time will be at an end. I call all able bodied warriors to come forth and prove thier mettle and wisdom on the field of battle. By the contests this day a warrior of exceptional talent will be chosen as our new champion.
Warriors not eligible for the championship are encouraged to come and increade the difficulty of these trials. If one of you should prove victorious upon this day, you will be rewarded.
Standard requirements for Cold Keep Champios competitors:
1) The fighter must be authorized.
2) The fighter must have a consort of the opposite sex present.
3) Must have attended three Shire events in the last year.
4) Must have attended three Shire functions with the last year (demos, councils, socials)
5) If a combat championship, must have attended three Shire approved fighter practices.
6) Must be willing to travel to swear fealty to the Prince and Princess Avacal.
7) Must be willing to travel to any and all Shire wars and lead out army on the field.
8) Must be willing to attend all Shire events and functions through time of champion,
9) Must be the tourneycrat to choose sucessor.
10) Must care for and add to the regalia of the Shire Chamionship.
11) No visible Plastic.
Site discreetly wet
For info on the event contact the autocrat. Lady Cerridwen Maelwedd
For info on the Tourney contact the champion Lord Ogedei
The site is located at Malcom Memorial Park.
Just outside of Prince George, BC
From the east travel on Hwy. 16 West, at the first set of lights before City of Pronce George, turn left onto the Old Cariboo Hwy. Stay on this road till you get to Bendixon Rd. then turn left. Go approximately 1.5 km, the site is on the right.
From the South, travelnorth on Hwy. 97. Turn right onto the Old Cariboo Hwy. towards Jasper, about 1.8 Km north of Red Rock (14 km south of Prince George), you go right past an Art Knapps Plant Land. Travel about 5 km and turn right onto Bendixon Rd. Travel about 1.5 kn, the site is on the right. If coming from the North or West go towards the Airport and follow the SCA signs that will be posted.
Fields of Gold
Tir Bannog
June 29th - Jully 1st, Smithers, BC
The Wilderness Shire of Tir Bannog invites one and all to come and experience our 5th Annual Fields of Gold. The site is on Private Property with shady trees and open fields. Water will be brought in. Nearest grocery store is 15 km away. What it lacks in facilities it makes up for in atmosphere.
Site info: Set up at noon on Friday, June 29th, events start on Saturday morning and will end with court on Sunday afternoon. Site fee is $5.00 per person, family rate is $15.00. Heavy and Archery Championships (open to all). There are contest for "Midsummer Rose", Gallant Thorn, and
many other honours. On Saturday at noon we will be holding our renowned "Helm Auction". Saturady evening is a potluck, and Sunday morning the Shire prepares a pancake brunch. The site is discretely damp. Contained fires only. If anyone requires a larger space for their encampment, that can be arranged ahead of time with the Autocrat.
A word of caution, the night can be cool, the day hot and the mosquitos are always present (sometimes plentiful), so bring warm blankets and cloaks, sun screen and bug repellant. Please don't let this information stop you from tasting the flavour of our Northern hospitality.
Directions: The site is at kn 385 on Hwy 16. From Prince George (Cold Keep) travel west approx. 350 km.It is just 30 km west of Houston. There will be signs marking the only turn off the hwy. For any information contact the Autocrat, Betha at (250)846-5290 or
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